Be a Good One, Wild Child

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

On my trip to Jackson, WY, I read Outside’s October issue cover to cover. For someone like me who flips through magazines backwards like I’m learning my Bat Mitzvah Torah portion, this feat is unbelievable. “Live Your Best Life.” “127 Strategies For Living Bravely.” I’m a sucker for headlines like these…some people believe in God, I believe in Self-Help Books.

In all seriousness, I can’t recommend this issue highly enough. And my attempts at paraphrasing won’t do it justice. Jack Gilbert, the founder of Mountain Hardware, shares some wisdom with us twenty-somethings: “It’s about learning how to live rather than how to make a living.”

One of the most important aspects of learning how to live is practicing what I’ll call, the Good Human. Violence and tragedy are omnipresent in today’s world. For those of us fortunate enough to be safe and healthy, the least we can do is be the kindest, hardest working, positive people we can be. It’s as simple as it sounds – be a Good Human.

Kate Bartolotta, the owner and founder of Be You Media Group, wrote an awesome HuffPost article, How to Get Flat Abs, have Amazing Sex and Rule the World In 8 Easy Steps.

Kate’s Steps:

  1. Stop believing your bullshit.

  2. Be happy now.

  3. Look at the stars.

  4. Let people in.

  5. Stop with the crazy making.

  6. Learn to apologize.

  7. Practice gratitude.

  8. Be kind.

“If the biggest thing we do in life is to extend love and kindness to even one other human being, we have changed the world for the better.” – Kate Bartolotta


Lessons in Traversing